Just remember to whistle passive when you get her low enough or they may kill the queen while it tries to impregnate you. If you have these then queens are no problem. Megalos are my favorite since you stay on their back when you dismount and therefore it's easy to remount when she drops you and any nameless that have spawned cannot reach you on your megalo in addition to the fact that they are easier to obtain and level to the point where they can easily take queens.Īll you need to easily take queens is a mate boosted pair of megalosaurus at 16k hp and 600% melee. Use our spawn command builder for Reaper Queen below to generate a command for this creature. If you do this then you don't have to worry about being mounted at the time when she grabs you because it seems that as long as you are off when she starts the animation then she will take you off the mount.

Make sure you dont even have a light pet on your shoulder. That way you don't go flying back and that seems to be when she senses you to impregnate. She must have a pink auroua (be below 2k health and she heals fast so get her down to like 800) around her she attacks 2-3 times (bring a shield) then she stops sniffs you and then impregnates. My strategy that always works is once you have her low get away from structs and if you are on a Megalosaurus (which in my opinion is far better for queens) just dismount right after she hits you with her tail swipe and remount when she attacks again. But everyone would require a Reaper Pheromone Gland. We are going to go over both the ark r reaper queen command and also the ark r reaper king command.

Your generated Rockwell Reaper Female Advanced Spawn Command Builder. Originally posted by Dragonheart: and heres he christmas checklist this year. The highest lvl baby you can get is from a 150 queen with additionally 75 bonus lvls for a lvl 225 baby. I have decided to find a reaper queen to get impregnated by it.I gotten it low to 1k health and every single time it did the animation,she misses.That happened all the time when she did the animation.Does anyone have any suggestions on where I should be to be successfully impregnated.I have built a trap that has her near a wall and four stone dino gateways in front of the queen. ARK Admin Commands, GFI codes, creature IDs, entity IDs, spawn commands, and. Ark command SpawnDino for all platforms, including PC, XBOX and PS4. Yes the reaper queens level determines what level your baby is gonna be, additionally you can farm up to 75 bonus lvls while pregnant.